Tuesday, October 23, 2007


If you've been checking my blog and wondering why I'm not writing, I have another handy excuse. We opened the restaurant October 5th after an intense 4 day reno. We operated for 5 days (closed Thanksgiving) with a lot of food prep work happening many hours a day, lots of trips to the grocery store, learning the menu and advertising with clients. Then a water connection in the sealing burst apart overnight and we closed for 4 days. Oh, you would think that means a break, but there was food to throw out because of the fridge that shorted due to water pouring on it, inventories to be done, and new batches to be prepped. We make our sauces and baking and calzones in house, so that stuff takes time (but I think it's worth it for the most part). There was water to mop, floors, walls, appliances to clean, and other electronic items were sent out for fixing or will now need to be replaced. Much of the floors will need to be redone (again) and some walls might have to be torn out and replaced because of internal moisture affecting the gyproc composition. You can't tell too much when you glance at it. It looks pretty good from the outside.

But we know what has happened and the work that we still need to do, once the insurance company and restoration crew are ready to rebuild. We hear the squeaks because we know what it was like before the damage.

This reminds me of the delicacy of our lives. Something happens to people sometimes which causes an "interruption in service". I experienced that myself a few years ago. Only those who knew me could see what was happening inside - how things were different. And now I'm rebuilding, even though the beginning was tough. Have you experienced this?

You know, God knows us. He sees the squeaks and the leaks and the damaged walls. Walls...maybe the damaged ones should be torn down and not replaced. Perhaps an "open concept" is best for you anyways. Scary, because people can see the things you might not want them to or your messy areas. But sometimes that can be the best.

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