Thursday, May 17, 2007
I know I've been absent again lately. This has been increased by the fact that I've done a couple posts on my old blog, which is no longer listed. Opops! Here is the update on my life.
Mom came a week ago, and is staying with us. She found a place to live a couple days after arriving, so phew, no more looking. That's a relief for her. She moves at the end of May.
Nathan's 20th birthday is today, and his party was yesterday. My 20th was the most difficult birthday, because I was no longer a teen. I had to be a responsible adult (or so I thought). You can imagine that if it was tough for me, having a step-son turning 20 is also difficult. I have successfully managed to pass on this chagrin to Nathan, who has said that 20 sucks because he is no longer a teen (evil grin here). It's hard to think that I'm old enough to have a child (step-son) that age, because my perspective is from having a 9 year old. But I am 2 days older than Ben and Nathan's mom, so the reality is harshly true. OH!!!!!!!!
And now a Matthew story.
Although we teach our children that its bad to lie, we tell them half truths all the time. We don't answer questions fully if they're too young to understand or if they shouldn't know the real answer. We shield them from harm this way. We do things that we don't want them to see, thus sneaking and hiding it from them. I'm talking about candies - what were you thinking about?
I have always monitored how many sweets Matthew gets. For the first few years of his life, he wasn't allowed to have much at all (if any). Because I didn't want to tempt him, I would eat my chocolate with my back turned, and a cupboard or the fridge partially hiding me. Because I didn't want to tempt him beyond what he was able to bear. Or maybe it was because I didn't want to deal with a temper tantrum.
Matthew has been taught to share candies with me. At Halloween he knows that I get some of the candy. He doesn't mind, because he happily gives me anything with nuts.
Well, for 9 years I have managed to hide the fact that I use sugar on cereal. Call me a hypocrite, but I don't want him to...yet. So, recently Matthew saw me put sugar in a bowl of Cheerios. He surprisingly asked "You put sugar on your cereal?" I thought "Oh no, I've been discovered. I made it 9 years, but now caught." 9 Years! How could he not notice before now!
A few days later, he caught me again. I thought for sure this would peak his interest in applying sugar into his own cereal, but instead he said "I'm sorry mom, but I just don't want to have sugar in my cereal." He said it like he was offending me or something. Not at all! I was thinking I get to stave it off for another month.
Now the honey is another story. Somehow he has managed to get it on the dishwasher, cupboards, every counter, computer table, floor, and many other surfaces you can't imagine. Scott and I each cleaned twice that day, and I think the dog finished it all up.