Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Conflict Resolution?

I'm in the midst of mediating between a couple of parties who are clients, and so far the outcome is uncertain. It's causing me some difficulties, because I want the situation resolved well for all parties; but it is becoming evident that it might not be possible. As the person in the middle there are only so many cards I can play from the other side, to keep privacy, integrity, and reduce hostility. This isn't actually my job, but I've had some experience at it in the past and really, I'm the only person even on the payroll besides the consultant. Today while driving home and thinking about each side. I could see the similarities in relationship breakdowns of many kinds.
Each party is adamant that their side is the correct one. Sometimes absolutely correct, or at least the most correct. I remember a friend of mine saying "In every relationship breakdown there are 3 stories. His story, her story, and the right story. Perhaps it can also be said that there are 3 truths. Not that any party is trying to deceive, and perhaps one party is mostly in the right and has just cause for the dispute. But everything we observe or think or react to is through a filter. We read tones, movements, things said, and things not said. I guess the key is how to keep the relationship as clear as possible by ensuring we are using the same filter. It isn't possible, but it sure would be helpful.
There are some people in my life that I haven't always agreed with, nor have they agreed with me. Sometimes it has resulted in a permanent parting, and other times in parting for a little while. It all hurts, and they would say the same thing. Sometimes space is good for healing, as long as there is humility and love from each side.

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