Sunday, November 19, 2006


A couple miscellaneous things before I get into this post. You might notice my sidebar has a badgr tag with flickr photos. I couldn't get them all loaded so right now the wedding ones are mostly of me at the beginning of the ceremony. Oops. My free Flickr account won't let me upload any more right now, so I guess I'll look vain until I can add more in December. Plus, it isn't rotating through my whole account of photos, so I need to figure that out. And hey, can anyone tell me how to get it to float right? I used the float-right phrase, but it didn't work.
My next logical post should be my "clean" habit, according to #6. But I have other things on my mind, so I'll make that #8 later.

There are many things I don't understand. I once told a friend, who was very astute about politics, that I don't understand politics or war. He gave me a "you're such a sweet girl" smile, like you give someone who isn't all there. Then he said "It's not a bad thing Annette - just stay that way". I guess I never grew up in that department.
You see, I really don't understand politics. I mean I do in some ways. I'm not totally dumb. I understand that different parties and representatives have different platforms, which represent belief structures. Or maybe they represent rhetoric, more accurately. Some parties are less socialist than others. Is that word even effective to use anymore? I don't know. I also know that what is said during a campaign is like what is said during the beginning of courtship. Each person is trying their best to look and act their best. The real them doesn't shine through as much as it does in a few years when life isn't all rosy and there is farting and no makeup, and weight gain and bad breath. Stuff that isn't seen much during the early phases of a relationship. So, each politician is acting like a suitor, and once the deal is sealed there is an initial attempt at delivery of promises, but after a while this becomes more difficult. Things become less rosy..."farting", lying, changing direction. This is what I figure about politics. Okay, that's the bad part of it. I know there is a lot of good too. But I just can't differentiate platforms well enough. Hey, I voted for Mulroney.
And I don't understand war. I'm not against fighting to protect a nation, and am thankful for those who have fought for me and my family and friends. But the initial cause of war is not protection. It's a by-product. I think the cause of war is sin. Greed, anger, jealousy, prejudice. That's all I know. I don't get it any more than that.
So I'm not the swiftest. It doesn't involve a fairy tale ending. It contributes to the cynic in me, that is sometimes stronger than I want it to be. So I don't get it. Just don't.

You know enough. Mom
I'm with your mom. You understand it perfectly.
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