Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dog Days of Fall

Life is so busy here, with still unpacking miscellaneous stuff, painting/decorating, working, church, family relationships. The blog has suffered because of it. i hope you'll be patient. I don't have as much time for deep thoughts, and to be honest, I'm laughing a lot of the day and less contemplative stuff has time to settle. But let me tell you about life with Angus.

After work Nathan told me of the smelly fur he found all over the upstairs, which he had to vaccuum. Scott told me the source of it. Angus had dragged a maggot infested rat into the house. Scott discovered it on the carpet of our downstairs bedroom. Yuck! I've been walking around that spot since. A few hours after Scott had cleaned it up, more maggots were found under the lazy boy chair upstairs. I think Angus had that thing a few places in the house!
Last night I couldn't find my ear plugs, which usually are on the bedside table. I suspected Angus, and today that was confirmed by the bright pink ear plugs showing in some poo in the back yard. Then there are the missing shoes, pop bottles, broom.
The Williams house goes through a lot of dogs. We all know that Angus might not live many years, because of past record. We've told Matthew that Angus won't live a long life and to appreciate him while he is here. We're half serious. Today Matthew said it will be good to see Angus mature and grow to be an adult. Then he paused and said "But he won't live that long".
After the rat and the ear plugs, it might not be from natural causes either.

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