Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Bear One Another's Burdens
A little while ago a friend shared some of their secrets with me. It wasn't easy for them to do, because many of us are trained that such secrets shame us. Let me be forthright. The shame is in feeling the need to hide, rather than to share.
Burdens aren't meant to be carried alone. That's not to say that they are meant to be aired everywhere and to everyone. My friend chose me to talk to that night. I don't know why. They decided to let go of the habit of painting rosy pictures and be "real". At the end I told them that nothing had changed in my love for them. Or my perspective of how incredible that person is. And their secrets stay with me. I will not control who should be told or not told. I don't own their information...they do.
I don't tout myself as an example of how to be. I only relate my thoughts. As I write this some of you may try to speculate who that person is and what I'm talking about. But more so, I hope that you look at your own burdens and dark recesses and realize that those things have a tighter hold on you when you bury them. Freedom from their tyranny is yours if you wade through the shame and see that you are the one giving them the power to weigh you down.

Burdens aren't meant to be carried alone. That's not to say that they are meant to be aired everywhere and to everyone. My friend chose me to talk to that night. I don't know why. They decided to let go of the habit of painting rosy pictures and be "real". At the end I told them that nothing had changed in my love for them. Or my perspective of how incredible that person is. And their secrets stay with me. I will not control who should be told or not told. I don't own their information...they do.
I don't tout myself as an example of how to be. I only relate my thoughts. As I write this some of you may try to speculate who that person is and what I'm talking about. But more so, I hope that you look at your own burdens and dark recesses and realize that those things have a tighter hold on you when you bury them. Freedom from their tyranny is yours if you wade through the shame and see that you are the one giving them the power to weigh you down.