Sunday, August 07, 2005

It's a Choice

I've been reading the book "New Life After Divorce" by Bill Butterworth. I try to stay away from writing any blogs with the D word in it or are about what I'm working through as a result of the D thing. There is some stuff in this book that is good for all relationships, of any nature. One of the topics is forgivenenss, not just of others, but forgiveness of myself as well. Today, just a brief quote.

You make the choice. No one puts a gun to your head and demands it. Forgiveness is not about conjuring up a warm, fuzzy feeling either. You come to a place in your life where you choose to forgive. A cold, hard act of the will, volitional choice.

It's not an easy choice to make. There are all kinds of questions that are thought of before making that choice. I can think of some right now. Maybe you have some too.

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