Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Unknown

Scott wrote about renovating. One thing I have found on the topic is that when you go into the project there is an expectation of time and result. But, when I begin to do the work both expectations take a side step. As I tear out that wall I tremble with positive and negative expectation. It could reveal perfection and everything is on track, or it could reveal a major construction job waiting for me. I've come to realize that both are good. The one bears no surprise, and the original design is intact. The latter bears many surprises and the design may have to be rethought. The latter creates the greatest opportunity to make dreaded mistakes, since I'm an amateur and don't know how to do many things. But it also provides the opportunity for the most growth through learning via trial and error. Takes way longer, but leaves me with more skills for the next time. The confidence grows to tackle more difficult projects, and the creativity heightens. Removing a wall no longer scares as much.
Dare to create. Dare to let some things be torn down, not knowing what may happen next...whether you will have a mess to deal with or a rare thing of beauty. Dare to make mistakes and forgive yourself. Ouch. That one speaks to me. Did I have to write that? Maybe even dare to dream.
Anyone want to join me with a crowbar?

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