Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Silver Lining
For a few years now I've been trying to teach Matthew that there is a positive side to almost anything. In earlier years, the lessons encompass doing a different event than he might have ideally wanted, rather than dealing with the serious issues of life as an adult knows it. Initially Matthew can balk at an idea (like this week's VBS), but then realize he really likes it. It has been my hope that this "silver lining" concept will follow him through the crap that happens as he matures into adulthood.
Sometimes the approach backfires on me. Like when removing privileges. Some of the "consequence" thunder wanes when I remove a privilege or an outing, and he ends up having just as much fun at home or doing something else. How is one to impact discipline when "find something good in everything" has been my motto?
I think I'm going to change the way I raise Matthew. Teach him that unless he gets what he wants all the time, life sucks. Then he won't have as much fun when consequences are put in place. Because really, who can deal with an optimist?
Sometimes the approach backfires on me. Like when removing privileges. Some of the "consequence" thunder wanes when I remove a privilege or an outing, and he ends up having just as much fun at home or doing something else. How is one to impact discipline when "find something good in everything" has been my motto?
I think I'm going to change the way I raise Matthew. Teach him that unless he gets what he wants all the time, life sucks. Then he won't have as much fun when consequences are put in place. Because really, who can deal with an optimist?