Saturday, July 09, 2005


One lion, two hunter.
one lion, one hunter.
One lion.

1) Why did the cactus cross the road?
It was stuck to a chicken.
2) Why did the chicken cross the road?
(If I have to put the answer someone needs to go back to school.)

So, a few weeks ago Matthew found out that I sometimes blog about him. He's not sure how to feel about that. That day we were travelling in the car, and he had to stop to go to the bathroom. Only I couldn't see a gas station, and he had to go NOW. So, I pulled off into an industrial area, drove to the back of the long lot to the area beside the bushes. The lot was trimmed with a chain link fence. Matthew raced out of the car, barely able to contain himself. He smiled when he saw the chain link fence. As he stood with his back to me, and his you-know-whatsit sticking through one of the holes in the fence he said "Now ask me if you can blog about this."

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