Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Top 10 Loves

I've left out people of significance other than Matthew. There are so many that the list would be too long. I'll tag someone privately (hmmmm...who will it be).

1) The summer sunrise over the Fraser River on a foggy day. For many years I’ve wanted to go to the crest of the Mission bridge early in the morning to take a picture of the sun, barely visible through the fog.

2) The hop-run that my son and I do across the crosswalk, ensuring that we only step on the white lines. Now I even do it alone after I’ve dropped him off at school. It symbolizes youth and joy.

3) The incredible, vibrant colours of a sunset. Any and all hues are beautiful. Especially over water, where you can see the colours without interruption.

4) Music that makes the spine move – even jerk in response to the rhythm. The Blues, Santana, Joe Cocker. It goes through like an electric shock and permeates.

5) Laughter, especially when it comes suddenly and intensely. You know the kind…when your side hurts or your cheeks hurt from it.

6) The smile, giggle, laugh of Matthew. His cuddles and when he runs his hand over my hair in affection.

7) Fabric with texture, beading, or other items that differentiate it from other “normal” fabric. Clothes with a different detail, whether subtle or obvious. It appeals to the seamstress in me.

8) The satisfaction and pride in a completed project, when I’m amazed how raw items come together to make a thing of beauty.

9) That moment in corporate worship when God has swallowed me through the music and all I can do is listen to those around me pledge their love for Him through the words and tunes.

10) Lying on a warm sandy beach, the sun’s heat caressing me, the lapping sound of waves washing my cares away.

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