Okay, so the Care Bear test got me curious. Here's me:
 | Tenderheart Bear You are thinker, organizer, peacekeeper, and leader all in one. You have a power to command attention and people listen to you. However, you are often so concerned about not hurting others' feelings that you don't tell them what they need to hear and this gets you both into trouble. But you always have loyal friends to help you out. |
Ahhhhh, maybe it's fake. After all, how could
Rob Deyo be Grumpy Bear?
 | Grumpy Bear You are always complaining about something, especially about always having to do all the work, and make the easiest things difficult. Your grumbling can go too far and really hurt those around you. Even though you can be hard to deal with, others like you anyways because you are mysteriously charming and cute when you're mad. You are good at fixing things and are willing to take on large tasks...with a little grumbling of course! |