Wednesday, October 27, 2004

pondering Christ's influence

Isaiah 42:1-4
Here is my servant, whom I have chosen, the one I love, and with whom I am pleased. I will send my spirit upon him, and he will announce my judgment to the nations. He will not argue or shout, or make loud speeches in the streets. He will not break off a bent reed, nor put out a flickering lamp. He will persist until he causes justice to triumph, and on him all the peoples will put their hope.

Jesus was not who people thought He would be. They wanted someone who could deliver their people from national bondage and oppression…that of the physical realm. This physical deliverance has never yet been realized.
However, what would be the point to “healing the symptom” rather than “curing the disease.” If Christ had given Israel the deliverance they had anticipated, he would have been a revolutionary leader. Their religion may have influenced other dominated people groups in their vicinity, and they may have had more affluence which would allow them to travel more freely (once again, spreading their faith). As wonderful as that could have been, Christ accomplished so much more. People have been given love where there was judgment, and God’s righteousness where they had sacrifices.
It was freedom that people expected Jesus to give…yet they did not see it when that which they yearned for was offered. The flesh is temporal; the spirit eternal. What Christ did for all solved the “sin problem” at the root of all nations, thereby setting them free from the bondage which creates every other physical bondage. His freedom work has not been limited to those of his birth country, but to people every where and in all times. This is a work far more powerful than any other king or judge. We see that this is the Hope of the world – Christ.

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