Wednesday, July 28, 2004


I've been giving some thought to forgiveness.  Before you think there has been some major trauma or violation in my life, stop.  Recently I was involved in a conversation regarding the sin of Christians, and what I would view as intolerance from within the church.  Now only God truly knows the heart of people, but if a person seems to have turned away from their sinful act(s), repented, and began to make amends is this not all that is required of them?   So why are we long lasting in harboring distaste, distrust and judgment against them?  
For a moment let's talk about someone who has just become a Christian.  In that second of their repentance and acceptance of Christ we seem to be more forgiving of that person than once they have been "saved" for a while and screw up.  Many people are convinced that God loves them during their conversion experience.  After being inducted into the church and Christian relationships they find out (are taught) how disappointed God is with them.  Why is that?  Agreeably, we should not do things that harm us or others or give a bad example of what it is to be a Christian.  Yet at the same time none of us can live the life of perfection, where nothing we do is wrong (thought or deed) or even where any action doesn't negatively affect a person's perception of our behaviour or character.  We can't control everyone and everything in our circle of contact to that degree.  And by the way, in God's scale there is no degree of sin...gossip is as much a sin as stealing or adultery or anything else you would name.
I once heard a friend say "we are saved from the condition of sin, not the act of sin".  God sees us as perfect because he sees Christ.  That doesn't mean we have carte blanche to do whatever seems convenient or tempting.  When we see how much Christ loves us and accepts us it is our desire to live "clean".  It gives us more power, not more excuses.  Freedom doesn't mean anarchy, but obedience out of love (not fear) and choice.
We all need to be forgiven, and some of us very frequently.  Let's judge others the way we want to be judged. 

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